Sabtu, 08 September 2012

Kraton Yogyakarta

Ngayogyakarta is often referred to as the Sultanate Ngayogyakarta established in 1755. Palace building was fenced Beteng vast distance of about 5 km. At the four corner points Beteng building was a small building and called Beteng corner. The entrance to the Palace Beteng through what is referred to as Plengkung. In addition to the existing building Beteng Palace building, housing the King, there are a number of surrounding villages as a place of living of the population, which in earlier times was the Palace courtiers, but to the next, until now, people who live in the Palace Beteng not necessarily as a servant palace, but can people from other ethnic groups, such as Batak tribe, who lived there because had purchased land and building the house from the previous owner, or, it could be boarding or sub-contract in the palace in the neighborhood, in local terms, "njeron Beteng "(in Beteng). So, the settlers living in "njeron Beteng" Kraton Kraton is not always associated with. Can be completely separated and no ties whatsoever, except only live for buying land and building on "njeron Beteng".

The names of the villages in the "njeron Beteng" has its own history and each one is different. It helps if you enjoy.

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