Yogyakarta Culture

Alun-Alun Selatan
South Square (south) is the central square in the southern part of Yogyakarta Palace. South Square are often referred to as Pengkeran. Pengkeran derived from the word pengker (form manners) of buri (rear). This is consistent with the square keletakan Kidul is located behind the palace. The square is surrounded by a square wall with five gates: one on the south side and on the east and west sides of each of the two pieces. Between the north and the south gate on the west side there is ngGajahan an elephant enclosure to maintain the Sultan. All around the square planted with mango trees (Mangifera indica; family Anacardiaceae), pakel (Mangifera sp; family Anacardiaceae), and kuini (Mangifera odoranta; family Anacardiaceae). Banyan tree there are only two pairs. A pair in the middle of the square is called Supit Urang (literally = claw shrimp) and another pair on either side of the gate on the south side called Wok (from the Bewok, harfiaf = beard). From the south side of the gate there is a road that connects with Plengkung Ivory Nirbaya prison.

Alun-alun Selatan

South square, once the training line troops palace, the day before the ceremony Grebeg. The place was also as a venue sowan courtiers wedana soldiers along his men, at night the Fast March 23, 25, 27 and 29. But since the reign of Sri Sultan HB VIII, Pisowanan was terminated.

there is a tradition of very interesting game in the main square called Masangin south. Masangin is entering into a gap between two banyan trees in the middle of the square in the eyes closed condition. It seems trivial, but it is not easy. Many have tried, but failed. Always turn directions. you want to try????


Kraton Yogyakarta / Yogyakarta Palace

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