Jumat, 07 September 2012


The geographical position of the region is the existence of the position of the region in accordance with the form and it is on earth. To see the geographical location of the region of Indonesia, can be seen on the world map as follows.

Letak Geografis dan Astronomis Indonesia
Based on the picture above can be seen in the language known Geographically, Indonesia is located in a strategic position and advantageous for the following reasons:Location of Indonesia in the continent of Asia and the continent of Australia.Location of Indonesia between the Pacific and Indian Oceans.Some of the benefits based on the geographical location of Indonesia, among others, the following:Indonesia, which is located between two continents and two oceans allows a traffic junction world, both air and sea traffic.Indonesia as the crossroads of world economic activity, trade between industrialized countries and countries that are developing. For example, between Japan, Korea, and the PRC with countries in Asia, Africa, and Europe.Because Indonesia is also geographically influenced by various cultures and civilizations of the world, and naturally influenced by monsoons. Around the month from October to April the wind blowing from Asia to Australia are carrying a lot of moisture from the Pacific Ocean, causing the rainy season. Around the month from April to October the wind

LAY astronomical INDONESIA

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