karst hills

Indonesia Karst Regions and Potential Threats

Karst region in Indonesia is very broad. Karst region also has the potential, benefits and important role for ecosystems and humans. Unfortunately, the karst region even more danger of being lost. Indonesia itself has a karst area measuring 15.4 million ha.

Karst has the sense of a region that has the characteristics of a typical relief and drainage, mainly due to the degree of dissolution of rock-rock-intensive. Characteristics unique karst landscape can be seen from the surface and below the surface is typically composed of limestone and dolomite.

In the surface layer, characterized by the formation of karst hills and steep valleys. While the dissolution of the coating occurs underground spaces lead to the formation of the tunnel underground river, which is known by the cave or perguaan system.

Gua karst

Karst Regions in Indonesia. Indonesia is a country with vast karst landscape. Indonesia is estimated to have a karst area of ​​15.4 million ha (Bappenas: 2003) are spread almost all over Indonesia. Some karst areas in Indonesia include:

Dragon Umbang Lhoknga (Aceh)
Bahorok (North Sumatra)
Payakumbuh (West Sumatra)
Balfour, Bukit Barisan (South Sumatra)
Sengayau (Merangin, Jambi)
Sawarna (Lebak, Banten)
South Sukabumi (West Java)
Karst Citatah-Rajamandala (West Bandung, West Java)
Base (Falkirk, West Java)
Cibinong-Ciampea-Cigudeg (Bogor, West Java)
-Green Canyon Pangandaran (Ciamis, West Java)
Gombong (Kebumen, Central Java)
Mountains of North Lime (Pati, Central Java - Lamongan, East Java)
Kendeng Mountains (Grobogan, Central Java - Jombang, East Java)
Mountains Sewu (Yogyakarta and Wonogiri, Central Java - Tulungagung, East Java)
Sampang (Madura)
Schwaner Mountains (West Kalimantan)
Sangkulirang-Mangkalihat (East Kalimantan)
Muller Mountains (Central Kalimantan)
Meratus Mountains (South Kalimantan)
Tenggarong (East Kalimantan)
Manupeu Tanah Daru National Park (Sumba, NTT)
Maros-Pangkep (South Sulawesi)
Wowaselea (Southeast Sulawesi)
Muna (Southeast Sulawesi)
Artisan Iron Islands (Wakatobi, Southeast Sulawesi)
Seram Island (Maluku)
Island of Halmahera (North Maluku)
Fakfak (West Papua)
Mountains Lengguru (Kaimana, West Papua)
And Lorentz Biak (Papua)
The above list is only an example and not an exhaustive list karst area in Indonesia. There are many other karst areas in Indonesia, which is spread from the eastern to the western tip of Indonesia.

Potential, Role, and Threats Karst. Karst region has the potential, benefits that are important to ecosystems and humans. Among others, as potential catchment and reservoir water, habitat for unique wildlife and unique with a variety of roles for ecosystems and humans, as well as a natural tourist sites, cultural, and scientific.

Karst area as a habitat for many animals, directly or indirectly, have an important role to humans. Many swiftlet nest in karst areas can be utilized nest. Bats that live in caves karst important role for the control of agricultural pests and pollinate many types of plants.

Unfortunately, missing endangered karst region. Threats sustainability karst region, mainly due to the mining of marble mining, cement, phosphate, until guano (bat droppings and nest that has experienced weathering and can be used as a rich fertilizer contains N, P and K). In fact, despite the mining contribute economically, but not for long and soon ended up as endless karst mined.

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